all call to chaos rewards

all call to chaos rewards

All Call to Chaos Rewards: Unlocking the Secrets of Destiny 2’s Mayhem

Hey readers,

Welcome to your ultimate guide to unlocking the full potential of the Call to Chaos event in Destiny 2. As you embark on this frantic and chaotic experience, prepare to earn a plethora of exciting rewards that will enhance your gameplay and make you the envy of other Guardians. In this comprehensive article, we’ll dive into every aspect of the Call to Chaos rewards, ensuring you don’t miss a single treasure chest.

What is Call to Chaos?

Call to Chaos is a limited-time event in Destiny 2 where the Crucible transforms into a wild and unpredictable battleground. Guardians from all walks of life team up in teams of 6, unleashing their abilities with reckless abandon. With the Mayhem modifier active, abilities recharge at an accelerated rate, creating a constant barrage of supers, grenades, and melee attacks. It’s a chaotic and exhilarating experience where anything goes, and rewards are plentiful.

Rewarding Mayhem

Earn Bright Engrams:

Bright Engrams are the primary source of cosmetic rewards in Destiny 2. By participating in Call to Chaos, you’ll have a chance to earn Bright Engrams as event rewards. These engrams contain various cosmetic items such as shaders, ships, sparrows, and even emotes. With each Bright Engram you open, you’re one step closer to customizing your Guardian with style.

Complete Bounties:

Lord Shaxx, the Crucible’s enigmatic commander, has prepared special bounties designed specifically for the Call to Chaos event. These bounties offer unique and time-limited rewards, including weapons, armor, and even materials. Completing bounties is an excellent way to progress through the event, earn valuable rewards, and show off your Mayhem prowess.

Triumphs and Accolades:

For those seeking glory and bragging rights, Call to Chaos presents an opportunity to earn unique Triumphs and Accolades. These achievements showcase your dedication to the Mayhem mode and reward you with exclusive emblems, titles, and other cosmetic items. Whether you’re a seasoned PvP veteran or a newcomer to the Crucible, Triumphs and Accolades add an extra layer of motivation to the event.

Tiered Rewards

In addition to the standard rewards, Call to Chaos features a tiered reward system based on your performance and contribution to your team’s success. The higher your performance, the more rewards you’ll unlock. Here’s a breakdown of the tiered rewards:

Tier Rewards
Bronze Bright Engram, Crucible Token
Silver Bright Engram, Legendary Weapon or Armor
Gold Bright Engram, Exotic Weapon or Armor
Platinum Bright Engram, Exclusive Event Emblem
Diamond Bright Engram, Special Event Triumph


Call to Chaos is a chaotic and rewarding event that offers countless opportunities for Guardians to earn a variety of loot. From bright engrams and bounties to triumphs and special gear, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to enhance your Guardian’s appearance, progress through the event, or simply bask in the chaos, Call to Chaos has got you covered. So gather your fireteam, embrace the mayhem, and claim your share of the glorious rewards!

And don’t forget to check out our other articles for more in-depth guides on Destiny 2’s latest events, challenges, and rewards. The adventure never ends, fellow Guardians!

FAQ about Call to Chaos Rewards

What is Call to Chaos?

Call to Chaos is a special event mode in Marvel Strike Force where players can join forces to defeat powerful bosses.

What are Call to Chaos rewards?

Players who participate in Call to Chaos can earn various rewards, including:

  • Character shards: Collect shards to unlock and upgrade specific characters.
  • Gear: Improve your characters’ stats by equipping them with gears.
  • Materials: Enhance your characters’ abilities with materials.
  • Ability orbs: Unlock powerful abilities for your characters.
  • Raid tickets: Participate in alliances raids for even more rewards.

How do I earn Call to Chaos rewards?

By participating in the event and defeating the bosses, you will earn points that contribute to your alliance’s overall ranking. The higher your alliance’s ranking, the better the rewards you will receive.

How often does Call to Chaos occur?

Call to Chaos is a recurring event that typically takes place every few weeks.

What is the minimum player level to participate in Call to Chaos?

You must be at least level 45 to participate in Call to Chaos.

What is the maximum number of alliances that can participate in Call to Chaos?

Up to 50 alliances can participate in Call to Chaos.

How long does Call to Chaos last?

Call to Chaos typically lasts for 3 days.

What happens if I join an alliance after Call to Chaos starts?

If you join an alliance after Call to Chaos has started, you will not be able to earn rewards for the current event.

Can I use my strongest team in Call to Chaos?

Yes, it is recommended that you use your strongest team in Call to Chaos to maximize your rewards.

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