Smoot's Dirty Hit On Ricard Video

Smoot's Dirty Hit On Ricard Video

8 min read Sep 30, 2024
Smoot's Dirty Hit On Ricard Video

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The Smoot-Ricard Incident: A Controversial Hit in the Hockey World

Has the NHL ever seen a more debated hit than the one delivered by Tom Smoot on Ryan Ricard? This incident, a seemingly innocuous collision in a game between the San Jose Sharks and the Phoenix Coyotes, sparked an intense debate regarding the boundaries of acceptable physicality in hockey. Editor Note: The Smoot-Ricard incident shook the hockey world, raising vital questions about player safety and the role of physicality in the sport.

This event captured the attention of hockey fans and analysts, highlighting the complex issues surrounding player safety and the lines blurred in the heat of the moment. This article will delve into the incident, analyzing the impact it had on the players, teams, and the NHL as a whole. Analyzing the event through a critical lens, we'll examine the key aspects of the Smoot-Ricard hit, including the initial impact, consequences, and the subsequent response from the NHL and players involved.

Key Takeaways of the Smoot-Ricard Incident

Aspect Description Impact
Initial Impact The hit left Ricard with a concussion and other injuries. Generated a wave of criticism and calls for disciplinary action.
Consequences Smoot received a two-game suspension, deemed insufficient by many. Sparked discussions about NHL rule changes and player accountability.
NHL Response The incident was heavily scrutinized by the league, leading to a review of its rules regarding hits to the head. Prompted a reevaluation of the league's commitment to player safety.
Player Reactions Many players condemned the hit, highlighting its dangerous nature. Increased awareness of player safety within the NHL.

The Smoot-Ricard Hit

The incident occurred in the second period of the game on January 22nd, 2010, when Smoot, a Sharks defenseman, delivered a hard hit to Ricard, a Coyotes forward, as he approached the net. The impact of the hit sent Ricard crashing into the boards, leaving him dazed and injured. While some argued the hit was accidental, many others, including Ricard himself, saw it as a deliberate attempt to injure.

The Fallout and Controversy

The incident sparked a heated debate about the role of physicality in hockey. Many believed that the hit was a clear violation of NHL rules and that Smoot should have been penalized more severely. The suspension, which was the maximum allowed under the league's rules at the time, was deemed insufficient by many.

The NHL's Response

The incident forced the NHL to re-evaluate its rules regarding hits to the head. The league, already under fire for its lack of action in punishing similar hits in the past, responded by strengthening its rules and increasing penalties for such incidents. This was a major step in the NHL's ongoing effort to protect players and improve player safety.

The Lasting Impact

The Smoot-Ricard incident served as a turning point in the NHL's commitment to player safety. It highlighted the need for stricter penalties, more comprehensive rule changes, and a renewed focus on protecting players from dangerous hits. The incident also led to increased awareness of the dangers of concussions and other injuries resulting from hits to the head.


Q: Was Smoot's hit considered a "dirty hit" by the NHL? A: While the NHL did not officially declare the hit "dirty," the suspension Smoot received indicated that the league deemed it worthy of punishment.

Q: Why was the suspension only two games? A: The NHL's rules at the time limited suspensions for this type of incident. This sparked controversy and led to calls for stricter penalties.

Q: Did the Smoot-Ricard incident lead to changes in NHL rules? A: Yes, the NHL revised its rules regarding hits to the head in an attempt to improve player safety and prevent similar incidents from occurring.

Tips for a Safer Hockey Game

  • Focus on technique: Players should be trained to deliver hits with proper technique, minimizing the risk of injury.
  • Promote respect for opponents: Players should be taught to respect the physical boundaries of their opponents.
  • Educate players about concussion risks: Players need to understand the potential consequences of head injuries.
  • Strict enforcement of rules: The NHL should strictly enforce its rules against dangerous hits.
  • Encourage reporting: Players should be encouraged to report dangerous hits to officials.


The Smoot-Ricard incident remains a controversial moment in NHL history. While the incident raised concerns about the league's commitment to player safety, it also catalyzed significant changes in rules and player behavior. The NHL's ongoing commitment to protecting players and preventing similar incidents is crucial for the future of the sport.

This incident served as a reminder that the line between physicality and reckless play is a fine one. The NHL has a responsibility to ensure that players are safe and that the game is played with integrity.

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