yuzu use current config not works

yuzu use current config not works

Yuzu: "Use Current Config" Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

Hey readers,

Are you facing the frustrating issue of Yuzu’s "Use Current Config" feature not working as expected? Fear not, because in this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the possible causes and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding the "Use Current Config" Feature

### What is "Use Current Config"?

Yuzu’s "Use Current Config" option allows you to utilize the existing configuration settings from Switch games to create a new configuration profile. This feature simplifies the process of optimizing your emulator settings for individual games, saving you time and effort.

### Why it Might Not Work

If the "Use Current Config" feature is not working, it could be due to several reasons:

  • Missing or Incorrect Game Files: Yuzu requires the presence of specific game files, such as the game update or DLC, to properly retrieve the configuration settings. Ensure you have all necessary files installed.
  • Corrupted Configuration Files: Damaged or corrupted configuration files can interfere with Yuzu’s ability to read and apply settings. Try deleting the existing configuration files and restarting Yuzu.
  • Outdated Emulator Version: Yuzu regularly releases updates that address bugs and improve stability. Check if your emulator version is up-to-date, as older versions may have compatibility issues with the "Use Current Config" feature.

Troubleshooting Steps

### Verify Game Files

  • In Yuzu, navigate to "File" > "Open Game" and select the desired game.
  • Check if the game updates and DLC are installed by clicking on the "Updates" and "DLC" tabs.
  • If any files are missing, download and install them.

### Delete Configuration Files

  • Close Yuzu.
  • Navigate to the Yuzu configuration folder:
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\yuzu
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/yuzu
    • Linux: ~/.config/yuzu
  • Delete the "config" folder.
  • Restart Yuzu.

### Update Yuzu

Additional Considerations

### Game-Specific Differences

Some games may have specific requirements or quirks that can affect the "Use Current Config" feature. Refer to Yuzu’s official documentation or community forums for game-specific troubleshooting tips.

### Custom Configurations

If the "Use Current Config" feature is still not working as expected, you may need to create a custom configuration profile. Follow Yuzu’s guide on creating custom configurations.

Table: Troubleshooting "Use Current Config" Not Working

Cause Troubleshooting Steps
Missing Game Files Verify and install missing updates or DLC.
Corrupted Configuration Files Delete the "config" folder and restart Yuzu.
Outdated Emulator Version Update Yuzu to the latest version.
Game-Specific Differences Check Yuzu’s documentation or forums for game-specific troubleshooting.
Custom Configurations Create a custom configuration profile if the above steps fail.


If you followed the troubleshooting steps above and the "Use Current Config" feature is still not working, don’t give up. Join the Yuzu community forums and seek support from other users. Additionally, explore our other articles for more tips and tricks on optimizing your Yuzu experience.

Thanks for reading!

FAQ about "yuzu use current config not working"

Why is "use current config" not working?

Yuzu can’t detect your current Switch configuration if you haven’t set it up properly. Ensure you’ve followed the setup instructions in the Yuzu documentation.

I’ve set up my Switch config, but it’s still not working.

Try restarting Yuzu. Sometimes, the emulator needs to be refreshed to recognize your config changes.

My Switch config is set up, but Yuzu says my firmware is outdated.

Update your Switch firmware to the latest version. Yuzu requires an up-to-date firmware to work correctly.

I’ve updated my firmware, but Yuzu still says it’s outdated.

Make sure you’re using the latest version of Yuzu. The emulator may not be able to detect your firmware if you’re using an outdated version.

I’m using the latest version of Yuzu, but it still says my firmware is outdated.

Contact the Yuzu support team. There may be an issue with the emulator’s firmware detection.

I’ve set up my Switch config and updated my firmware, but games are still crashing.

Ensure you have the correct game keys installed. Without the correct keys, Yuzu may not be able to load or run games properly.

I’ve installed the correct game keys, but games are still crashing.

Try disabling any overlays or plugins you have installed. Third-party software can sometimes interfere with Yuzu’s operation.

I’ve disabled overlays and plugins, but games are still crashing.

Your graphics drivers may be outdated. Update your graphics drivers to the latest version to improve compatibility with Yuzu.

I’ve updated my graphics drivers, but games are still crashing.

Try reducing the graphics settings in Yuzu. Lowering the resolution or disabling certain effects can help improve stability.

I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps, but games are still crashing.

Contact the Yuzu support team for further assistance. They can help you diagnose and resolve any remaining issues.

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